Aesthetics after the pandemic period
Aesthetics after the pandemic period

The aesthetic medicine industry was deeply affected during the pandemic that totally changed the world in 2020. The effects of self-isolation were multiple and showed their presence both on an aesthetic level and on a deeper, psychological level. If for some people, the withdrawal to the home also came with an acceptance of their own person, and sometimes even with laziness and lack of interest in their personal physique, for other people, the need to perform minimally invasive procedures that they were used to  made their absence felt. On the other hand, there were patients who wanted to use the isolation period as a moment of recovery after performing surgical procedures, but, unfortunately, this could not be possible.

When the conditions of isolation were relaxed and with the resumption of human interaction, the aesthetic clinics also resumed their activity in force. However, an upward trend of the industry was not observed, but on the contrary, after the boom related to the period immediately following the relaxation, many of the patients who had developed an aesthetic ritual in medical aesthetic clinics reduced their appearance or selected more attention to the requested services and products. Everything came together, as it were, with a desire to increase the quality of the medical act. The pandemic has educated patients, above all, to be more attentive to the medical act itself, putting more value on safety and on a cost-effectiveness ratio of aesthetic procedures and interventions.

This will have the effect, over time, of sorting and classifying medical clinics according to completely different criteria than before the pandemic, certainly favoring the professionalization of the field of aesthetic medicine.

People have much more access to information and they want above all the medical act to be safe: original products, doctors specialized in aesthetics and a clinic that truly respects today’s standards.

At Legacy Med , we make sure that each patient’s experience meets their expectations, because the decency, experience and quality of the services will always place you in the top of preferences.
Despre noi

In fiecare zi intalnim oameni care ne creeaza o prima impresie. Inainte de educatie, maniere, arta dialogului sau o carisma aparte, fiecare ne intipareste pe retina aspectul fizic. Medicina estetica a evoluat in toata lumea, accesul la frumusete fiind mult mai facil decat in ultimii 20 de ani.

42631589 | J40/6376/2020
Strada Gheorghe Brătianu Nr. 8, București 011413

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Solutii minim-invazive, injectarile au luat locul interventiilor chirurgicale, definitive, incurajate mai ales dupa o anumita varsta sau in cazuri extreme.

Despre noi

In fiecare zi intalnim oameni care ne creeaza o prima impresie. Inainte de educatie, maniere, arta dialogului sau o carisma aparte, fiecare ne intipareste pe retina aspectul fizic. Medicina estetica a evoluat in toata lumea, accesul la frumusete fiind mult mai facil decat in ultimii 20 de ani.

42631589 | J40/6376/2020
Strada Gheorghe Brătianu Nr. 8, București 011413

Social media

Solutii minim-invazive, injectarile au luat locul interventiilor chirurgicale, definitive, incurajate mai ales dupa o anumita varsta sau in cazuri extreme.

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Copyright © 2021 Legacy Med. Toate drepturile rezervate.