About the gynecomastia procedure

Gynecomastia is the excessive enlargement of the breasts in men and is caused by a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and testosterone.

This imbalance may occur physiologically episodic, may be produced by drugs, or may occur in certain diseases.

Potential patients:

The procedure is for men only and aims to treat/remove the glandular tissue that has resulted in this appearance. Before the operation, the patient will have a thorough consultation, which will help us to offer him the best solution, in his case.

How is the gynecomastia procedure performed?

Gynecomastia is a surgical procedure that aims to remove glandular tissue and achieve a flat, masculine appearance.

The intervention is performed under anesthesia, to ensure increased patient comfort throughout the operation.

If a major reduction is needed, then more extensive incisions will be made across the area.

In some cases, drainage tubes are required, which will be removed in a few days, to ensure the safety of the patient and the final result.

The final result

The results will be visible in a few weeks after the intervention, during which time the tissues will heal.

It is important that the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations closely to ensure that we get the best result.

In about 1 year, the area will be healed and the patient will get the final result, which he will enjoy for the rest of his life.

Being a surgical procedure, the results are permanent (this aspect also depends a lot on the patient’s lifestyle).

Post procedure rules

The recovery period after the gynecomastia procedure is approximately 3-4 weeks, after which the patient will return to daily activities.

During the post-operative period, the patient must avoid intense exertion and exposure to the solarium or sauna.

It is not advisable to apply creams or cosmetics to the chest area until it has healed.

Consume an optimal amount of fluids and avoid driving during the recovery period.

General information:

Very often, patients are afraid of exaggerated results, which instead of beautifying and harmonizing their features tighten them. At Legacy Med we have a team of specialist doctors, well trained, ready to give you the optimal results you deserve.

We emphasize decency and beauty and are ready to help you become the best version of you, that’s why we are there for you whenever you need, 24/7.

Întrebări frecvente

Ginecomastia este o procedură dureroasă?

Nu, ginecomastia nu este o intervenție dureroasă, ea realizându-se sub anestezie. În timpul intervenției medicul ca înlătura țesutul în exces, pentru a reda forma și dimensiunea optimă. După intervenție, pentru cazurile în care pacientul s-ar putea confrunta cu vreun disconfort, medicul îi va recomanda un tratament potrivit, care să atenueze senzațiile neplăcute.

Rezultatul procedurii de ginecomastie va fi unul natural? Vor rămâne cicatrici post intervenție?

Fiind o zonă delicată (zona pieptului), medicul va lucra foarte fin atât pentru un rezultat natural, optim, cât și pentru a reduce riscul de semne sau cicatrici. Odată cu vindecarea zonei acestea vor dispărea, iar pacientul se va bucura de efectul procedurii, care este permanent.

2.900 euro

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    Solutii minim-invazive, injectarile au luat locul interventiilor chirurgicale, definitive, incurajate mai ales dupa o anumita varsta sau in cazuri extreme.

    Despre noi

    In fiecare zi intalnim oameni care ne creeaza o prima impresie. Inainte de educatie, maniere, arta dialogului sau o carisma aparte, fiecare ne intipareste pe retina aspectul fizic. Medicina estetica a evoluat in toata lumea, accesul la frumusete fiind mult mai facil decat in ultimii 20 de ani.

    42631589 | J40/6376/2020
    Strada Gheorghe Brătianu Nr. 8, București 011413

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    Solutii minim-invazive, injectarile au luat locul interventiilor chirurgicale, definitive, incurajate mai ales dupa o anumita varsta sau in cazuri extreme.

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