About the dimple procedure
Dimples in the cheeks give an extra attractiveness to the smile and an extra charisma, which will lead to an increase in self-confidence. Many people who don’t have these dimples naturally and want them, so they turn to esthetician doctors to restore their shape. Even if we are talking about a surgical procedure, it is painless and effective.
Potential patients:
The intervention is addressed to all patients who want the appearance of dimples in their cheeks, which they do not have naturally. This procedure brightens the complexion and gives extra vitality and energy to the entire face.
How are dimples made in the cheeks?
The aesthetic operation of dimples in the cheeks is performed by sewing a small portion of the cheek on the inside, which will render a fold in the form of a dimple on the outside.
The entire process takes about 30 minutes and is performed under anesthesia for the patient’s comfort.
The final result
Immediately after surgery, dimples will be present even when the patient is not smiling.
But, after the healing period, 2-3 weeks, the place will heal and the dimples will have a natural appearance.
Being a surgical procedure, the effect is permanent, and the patient will enjoy it in the long term.
Post procedure rules
In the first period after the intervention, it is advisable not to apply creams or cosmetic products to the skin.
Avoid complex facial expressions, so as not to cause discomfort in the area.
We recommend rigorous hygiene both externally (on the cheeks) and internally, the site of the incision.
General information:
At Legacy Med we emphasize decency and beauty and are ready to help you become the best version of you, which is why we are there for you whenever you need us, 24/7. You can contact us for any problem, and we are committed to being by your side.
Frequent questions
Can I get dimples in my cheeks with a minimally invasive intervention?
No, getting dimples requires surgery, but that shouldn’t scare you because the procedure isn’t painful. We are talking about a quick intervention, with minimal discomfort, which will bring the appearance of dimples to the cheek in a very short time, with a natural effect.
How long will the recovery period be and how should I prepare for the intervention?
Because the dimples in the cheeks procedure is a relatively simple intervention, the patient should not be afraid, but before the intervention follow the rules recommended by the specialist. Post-surgery, one of the most important rules is to observe a rigorous cheek hygiene, to avoid the risk of complications. The result will be seen quickly, and in just a few days the patient’s smile will gain extra charm, thanks to the dimples in the cheeks.