About the otoplasty procedure

Perhaps, if you are not faced with an unsightly appearance of the ears, you do not realize that they stand out, even at first glance. That is why patients who find themselves in this situation often try to hide the area of ​​the ears, which creates complexes for them.

Because aesthetic medicine has evolved a lot, the problem caused by the appearance of the ears can be treated with the help of otoplasty.

Potential patients:

The intervention is addressed to patients who experience large, “flapping” or protruding ears, which often cause them physical complexes. The procedure can also be performed in the case of minors, over 5-6 years old, after the development process of the ears has ended.

How is otoplasty performed?

Otoplasty is a surgical intervention that involves correcting and reshaping the shape of the ears.

The intervention is not only carried out in the upper part of the ear, but also in the lower part – the ear lobe.

The operation involves remodeling the auricular cartilage and anchoring it to bring the ears closer to the head and shape the shape of the ear naturally and aesthetically.

Patients must know that the incisions and also the small scars will be on the back of the ear, masked by them. So after the procedure they will not be left with visible marks.

For the safety and comfort of the patient, the intervention is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the case.

The final result

Since it is itself an operation, the final result will be visible after the area heals.

Initially, the area will be slightly inflamed, due to the incisions, but in a few days this will subside.

Gradually, with the healing of the area, the patient will enjoy a result as close as possible to the final one.

It is important for the patient to follow the rules recommended by the doctor.

The rules after the otoplasty procedure

After the procedure, the patient must wear a compression bandage for approximately 7 days to maintain the result and heal the area.

The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and analgesics, which the patient must take for the duration recommended by our specialist.

It is recommended to avoid wearing earrings for up to 3 months after surgery and even surgical masks, which irritate the area.

Patients must present themselves for check-ups, according to medical indications.

General information:

At Legacy Med we emphasize decency and beauty and are ready to help you become the best version of you, which is why we are there for you whenever you need us, 24/7. You can contact us for any problem, and we are committed to being by your side.

Întrebări frecvente

Voi obține un aspect natural al urechilor, după operația de otoplastie? 

Da, încercă să oferim fiecărui pacient cele mai bune rezultate, dar și cât mai naturale. Nu ne dorim ca după otoplastie aspectul urechilor pacienților să fie unul cât mai armonios, potrivit trăsăturilor lor. Un principal beneficiu, pe lângă corectarea formei, este că otoplastia nu presupune cicatrici sau semne post intervenție vizibile (cusăturile se fac foarte fin, în spatele urechilor).

În cât timp voi vedea rezultatele otoplastiei?

Se pot observa îmbunătățiri la scurt timp după operație, însă pentru a ne asigura de un rezultat cât mai bun, permanent, pacientul va fi nevoit să respecte îndrumările medicale. Ca în cazul oricărei intervenții chirurgicale, rezultatele otoplastiei sunt vizibile după ce zona (urechilor) se va vindeca.


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    Despre noi

    In fiecare zi intalnim oameni care ne creeaza o prima impresie. Inainte de educatie, maniere, arta dialogului sau o carisma aparte, fiecare ne intipareste pe retina aspectul fizic. Medicina estetica a evoluat in toata lumea, accesul la frumusete fiind mult mai facil decat in ultimii 20 de ani.

    42631589 | J40/6376/2020
    Strada Gheorghe Brătianu Nr. 8, București 011413

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    Solutii minim-invazive, injectarile au luat locul interventiilor chirurgicale, definitive, incurajate mai ales dupa o anumita varsta sau in cazuri extreme.

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