Are you a doctor or do you want your business in the medical field?

Access the Legacy Med Franchise now.

You can have your own business with zero investment.

Are you a doctor or do you want your business in the medical field?

Access the Legacy Med Franchise now.

You can have your own business with zero investment.

National Marketing

The franchisee enjoys local marketing campaigns from the franchisor. Also, the franchisee is supported through general marketing campaigns to promote the activity and receives all online marketing support: Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube channels and other means of communication.

Permanent Assistance / Technical Support

The franchisor welcomes the franchisee with a permanent remote support service through the Help Desk department. Also, there is local support through personnel sent periodically for periodic trainings in all departments.

The affordable price of treatments

Even if Legacy Med franchisees will occupy the luxury segment of the industry through the standards offered, the treatments and services will be accessible to patients. The aesthetic medicine segment is anyway a privileged one, which is addressed to a special audience.

Fast implementation

Everything is carried out with precision and speed, the franchisor having a modular implementation system, so that everything becomes functional and profitable in the shortest possible time.

Quick return on investment

Franchisor Legacy Med also offers franchisees the possibility of financing through TBI Med, with a sufficient package for opening the business, with zero interest! You give back exactly what you receive, from the profit you start to get from the first month.

Investment from €15,000 + VAT

The Legacy Med franchise involves a franchising package starting at 15,000 eur/office. It includes the design package, the marketing package, the know-how package (the most important) and a customized software.

State-of-the-art equipment with proven efficiency

Quality services assume a unitary whole of performance. The Legacy Med franchised offices are equipped according to the quality standard imposed by the franchisor. The cabinets are fully equipped before the start of the activity.

International working protocols

The entire system of the Lgecay Med clinic is built according to tested, tested and improved work models. Connecting to a high-performance environment from an international network of aesthetic medicine clinics made continuous updating and performance increase possible.

Specialized staff by the medical training team

Both the doctors and the office and reception nurses will work according to the Legacy Med Clinic's own work protocols. There will be continuous specialization courses both at the franchisee's headquarters and at the franchisor's headquarters or in related locations.

Easy business management

Franchised medical offices have at their disposal the complete business recipe, everything being thought of as a coherent, easy-to-manage mechanism. For any malfunction, there is an alert mechanism and a corresponding crisis management plan.

Turnkey business

By replicating the mother business, all the particular characteristics are kept, starting from the concept, functionality, products and services to uniforms, furniture, other details that are identified with the Legacy Med brand.

Image already built

By accessing the Legacy Med franchise, you will benefit from a ready-made image, existing and functional social media channels, a reconstructed brand, which enjoys the appreciation of patients and business partners.


With the documentation received and the assistance provided by us, you will be able to have your own  functional aesthetic clinic in just 30 days . Everything is very simple and fast compared to the effort you would have to put in to build and manage a business from scratch.

  • location planning and equipment installation.
  • specialized authorizations.
  • specialized staff training.
  • constant promotion at national level.


  • benefit from an already built image.
  • becomes the owner of a turnkey business.
  • easy business management, the system and business tools already being created.
  • staff trained by specific marketing, Reception, HR and medical teams.
  • clear internal work protocols.
  • certified and authorized products.
  • investment with minimal risk and immediate payback.
  • zero creative and branding costs.
  • quick recovery of the investment.
  • fast implementation without testing and optimization attempts.
  • permanent assistance and 24/24 technical support.
  • assistance and support in crisis management.
  • well-developed marketing network, fully provided.


With the documentation received and the assistance provided by us, you will be able to have your own  functional aesthetic clinic in just 30 days . Everything is very simple and fast compared to the effort you would have to put in to build and manage a business from scratch.

  • location planning and equipment installation.
  • specialized authorizations.
  • specialized staff training.
  • constant promotion at national level.


  • benefit from an already built image.
  • becomes the owner of a turnkey business.
  • easy business management, the system and business tools already being created.
  • staff trained by specific marketing, Reception, HR and medical teams.
  • clear internal work protocols.
  • certified and authorized products.
  • investment with minimal risk and immediate payback.
  • zero creative and branding costs.
  • quick recovery of the investment.
  • fast implementation without testing and optimization attempts.
  • permanent assistance and 24/24 technical support.
  • assistance and support in crisis management.
  • well-developed marketing network, fully provided.


  • Step 1: You contact us

    All you have to do is fill out the form at the bottom of the page, and a Legacy Med representative will contact you shortly.
    Step 1: You contact us
  • Step 2: We analyse the action plan

    During the meeting where we get to know each other, we will present you with all the necessary information to have a successful clinic. We are with you every step of the way and you will be able to contact us for any concerns or problems you encounter along the way..
    Step 2: We analyse the action plan
  • Step 3: We set the location together

    The Legacy Med Franchisor does not impose location standards other than the legal medical practices standards.
    Step 3: We set the location together
  • Step 4: We hire the staff

    The next step is to find the specialists. We will provide you with the necessary specialist training, presentation of Legacy Med's own organizational chart, products and treatments, communication and injection protocols.
    Step 4: We hire the staff
  • Step 5: You have a business ready to go!

    In about 30 days after signing the franchise contract, you will have your own Legacy Med clinic, ready to offer premium medical aesthetics services.
    Step 5: You have a business ready to go!
Download the brochure

Contact form

The respect for patients and care for quality standards sparked the interest of doctors in the province and led the clinic’s management to create a Legacy Med franchising system

    Despre noi

    In fiecare zi intalnim oameni care ne creeaza o prima impresie. Inainte de educatie, maniere, arta dialogului sau o carisma aparte, fiecare ne intipareste pe retina aspectul fizic. Medicina estetica a evoluat in toata lumea, accesul la frumusete fiind mult mai facil decat in ultimii 20 de ani.

    42631589 | J40/6376/2020
    Strada Gheorghe Brătianu Nr. 8, București 011413

    Social media

    Solutii minim-invazive, injectarile au luat locul interventiilor chirurgicale, definitive, incurajate mai ales dupa o anumita varsta sau in cazuri extreme.

    Despre noi

    In fiecare zi intalnim oameni care ne creeaza o prima impresie. Inainte de educatie, maniere, arta dialogului sau o carisma aparte, fiecare ne intipareste pe retina aspectul fizic. Medicina estetica a evoluat in toata lumea, accesul la frumusete fiind mult mai facil decat in ultimii 20 de ani.

    42631589 | J40/6376/2020
    Strada Gheorghe Brătianu Nr. 8, București 011413

    Social media

    Solutii minim-invazive, injectarile au luat locul interventiilor chirurgicale, definitive, incurajate mai ales dupa o anumita varsta sau in cazuri extreme.

    Copyright © 2021 Legacy Med. Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Copyright © 2021 Legacy Med. Toate drepturile rezervate.

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