The most frequent mistake of patients is when we are asked to put Botulinum toxin in their lips. I still haven’t found where the confusion started, but Botulinum toxin is the abbreviation of botulinum toxin , a substance that has the role of inhibiting/decreasing the activity of the muscles in the injected area, thus eliminating the possibility of wrinkles. No longer able to make intense facial movements, the skin relaxes and wrinkles are reduced accordingly. It is recommended to perform some movements such as surprise, frown, wide smile to detect the Botulinum toxin injection points. There are also patients who want frozen face, which means a larger amount of b0tulinum t0xin, compared to patients who want to keep a more natural aspect of their expressions. It is a substance whose effect, once installed, only passes over time, the acceleration of the elimination of the effect or being given only by exposure to high temperatures (therefore, if a patient wants to eliminate the effect of injected Botulinum toxin, exposure to the sun, hot showers, sauna etc.)
Hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, is a substance for filling, volumizing, remodeling facial geometric shapes and angles. Wrinkles can also be filled with hyaluronic acid, but only in cases where they are deep enough, as is the case with nasolabial folds (smile lines on the sides of the lips). Most of the time, lip volumization, mandibular contouring, cheekbone volumization, dark circles filling and, in general, procedures involving filling surfaces or increasing volume are performed with hyaluronic acid. Those who want to remove their injected hyaluronic acid , can request a hyaluronidase injection. The acid is not removed, it is melted, the injected area returning to its natural shape. Hyaluronidase only dissolves the injected hyaluronic acid, it has no effect on human tissues.
Of course, women breathed a sigh of relief when hyaluronic acid and Botulinum toxin injections appeared. Who likes to be cut or to mask unsightly scars left after surgical beautification procedures? There is a trend in modern medicine to promote minimally invasive procedures, which attack our body as little as possible, therefore if a complaint can only be solved by injection, the scalpel and the definitive results it brings will be avoided as much as possible . Only in extreme cases, when the defects that want to be solved are too obvious and need to be definitive changes, surgical interventions with irreversible effect are recommended.
There are multiple ways to take care of the face and body that our doctors recommend before any minimally invasive or surgical intervention. Everything must be done carefully with respect to the inheritance that we have received, so that the beauty is potentiated for as long as possible. For example, if we intervene directly with surgical procedures, it is difficult to later treat the same problem by injection. That’s why the steps are simple: the scalpel only treats what the injection fails.
There is no rule and every body is different. There are people whose body consumes hyaluronic acid extremely quickly, there are people whose 1 ml injected into the lips can last for 2 years.
What is certain is the fact that the resistance of hyaluronic acid increases proportionally with the number of injections of the same area. If at the first injection in the lips the hyaluronic acid can have a residue of 2-4 months, at the second injection the residue already increases from 6-8 months, following that after the 3rd injection the residue of the hyaluronic acid will increase to over 1 year days. It is important to re-inject the area before all the hyaluronic acid is resorbed, in order to be able to gradually build a new volumization over an acid base.
The acid residue also depends a lot on the injected area: nasogenic furrows, collier lines/horizontal wrinkles on the neck can generate acid resistance for at least 1 year from the first injection, especially if the required amount of acid is used . Similarly, volumizing the cheekbones or mandibular contouring, as well as hyaluronic acid corrections in the nose area, can induce a much higher hyaluronic acid resistance than in the case of the lips.
There is no general rule or minimum amount for each procedure. There is, instead, the right amount for you, which the doctor, after a consultation, can indicate. If for one person 4 ml of hyaluronic acid may be sufficient for the contouring of the lower floor, for another person this amount may be insufficient (mandible, chin, lips). As for the lips, most patients start by injecting a single ml. Nothing wrong. It’s just that, sometimes, 1 ml is insufficient and our body can consume it very quickly at the first injection. Most of the time, the right amount for the first injection into the lips is 1.5 ml, so as to increase the effect and the retention of the acid introduced through the injection. Later, depending on the desired shape for the lips, subsequent injections can be made with small amounts, periodically. After the desired shape has been obtained, it is advisable to carry out only procedures to maintain and maintain the result, sometimes subunit quantities being sufficient. Ask our doctor for a complete, staged treatment plan, to know exactly what quantities, what types of substances and at what interval will need to be injected for optimal results.
In recent years, the fashion for the round breast implant has caused a sensation. The round breasts, close together, are perfectly visible in a generous neckline. But if you are the discreet type, prefer the shape you already have in your breasts and you just want volume, choose the anatomical implant. However, the risks of inserting anatomical implants are greater, and their care must be more careful than in the case of round implants.
Come to a consultation to choose together with our doctor the right shape and size for you. If your friend was fitted with a 500 cc round, you may not have the same end result. The doctor works primarily with a natural breast, which differs greatly from woman to woman in consistency, shape and body position.
The post-operative elastic suit must be worn permanently (day and night) for 2 weeks. In this way, we will prevent the appearance of edema and help the skin to settle better on the new injected content. Later, after the consultation, you decide with the doctor if you will continue wearing the pants during the day or if you will only wear them at night. Wearing it for as long as possible can increase the maintenance of a natural and aesthetic result.
Imagine that the liquid implant takes the shape of the body after the injection, even inducing the sensation of a natural, voluminous buttock to the touch, like the one obtained by increasing muscle mass.
It is forbidden to practice any form of sport or intense physical effort for 6 weeks after the intervention, regardless of whether you have the compression suit on the area. Imagine that a foreign body strives to become one with you. Do not shake it, do not disturb it until you assimilate it properly!
The most common question we receive from our patients is whether aesthetic procedures are painful. Basically, the fear of pain is one of the most feared reasons why patients delay weeks or even years when they want to do an aesthetic intervention.
You must know that the procedures themselves are not painful, most of them are performed under anesthesia (injectable, topical or ice spray), but the emotions and fears you may have can be much more painful than the procedure itself. The interventions are carried out with very small, fine needles, which you will hardly feel.
After the intervention, it is possible that the patient feels a little discomfort, however, most often everything depends on his body. We have patients who, even though they came with great emotions, said to us “Is that all?” but also patients who later told us that they felt a little discomfort during the intervention or after. Either way, we encourage you to talk to your doctor to make sure everything is in order.
Another frequently encountered question is that regarding the remanence of the procedure. We are talking about minimally invasive interventions with acid, botulinum toxin or threads, and what is most important to know is that these procedures are not permanent. Hyaluronic acid lasts up to 9 months, and Botulinum toxin approximately 6, depending on the patient’s body. When we talk about PDO threads, they have a longer stay of up to 12 months due to their property of forming collagen in the skin.
If you want to maintain the results obtained, our recommendation is to come a little earlier for maintenance, for a top-up, but not very close to the previous injection.
Bruising or bruising is normal after an injection, especially if the patient is more sensitive, is menstruating, or has recently undergone drug treatment. But you don’t have to worry, because the small bruises will pass quickly, especially if you follow the doctor’s recommendations:
We know, it sounds ideal to do a procedure only once and then enjoy its permanent effect, but in reality, in the case of minimally invasive interventions, it is not quite like that. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is even found in your body, so you must first of all know that the procedure is safe. Its effects are visible for up to 9 months, but after that, it will be absorbed by the body, and you, to enjoy the same effect, will have to make another injection. The advice of specialists is to come a little earlier for maintenance, for a top-up, so that you can enjoy the long-desired effect.
It is important to know that at the first injection it is possible that the effect will last much less, until the body gets used to the substance.
After a minimally invasive intervention, you must follow a few rules, which will help you enjoy the much-desired effect as well as a long-lasting effect. In the case of Botulinum toxin, it is important that after the intervention you avoid exposure to the sun, solarium, sauna, complex physical exercises or hot baths. These activities will lead to less retention of the substance, which will prevent you from enjoying the desired effect.
In the case of hyaluronic acid (injected at the level of the lips), we recommend that you avoid hot drinks, smoking (if you are a smoker and cannot do without cigarettes in the first days after injection, we recommend that you alternate the cigarette from one side of the lips to the other). At the same time, on the first day after the injection, avoid using lipstick or cosmetic products on the lips. Afterwards you will have enough time to try all the lipstick colors you want.
Remember, hydration is extremely important for long-lasting retention. In addition, water is a vital element, so proper hydration will do you good.
As with hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin is a substance with a limited remanence in time. It lasts up to 6 months in the body, after which it will lose its properties. During the first 14 days, it is recommended that the patient avoid going to the solarium, sauna or take hot baths.
If you want to maintain the botulinum toxin effect as long as possible, we recommend that you come for regular maintenance, a little before the botulinum toxin effect fades.